Sorry for the wait: first update from California
Well, it is August 1st and Eli and I are settling into our house on the West Coast. Eli has been here since mid-June, since she had to rush into the start of her new job, while I settled things in Virginia. I sold both of our motorcycles (to be replaced out here) and my pickup; and, with great help from family and friends, the old house got packed up. My dad and I drove a large Penske truck cross-coutnry from July 10-13th (4 days, we made good time) and got it unloaded and return in the evening of our arrival.
There are lots of pics to share, which will come over the next few days, but I wanted to get this outdate posted, we have been so busy packing, moving unpacking and setting up house (and waiting for DSL) that I fear people may have given up on the blog.